Visit to Calais Refugee Camp
I was immediately struck by the considerable Police presence throughout Calais who stood guard at most roundabouts and patrolled the 15 foot-tall, barbed wire topped fence keeping the people in the camp. I was working at the huge refugee warehouse 10 minutes from the camp with the other 50 or…
On In London now: The Underground
On In London now: The Underground Ilan Kelman, University College London http://www.ilankelman.org and Twitter @IlanKelman A transportation and commuting service. Screeching wheels, sardine-like crowds, and polluted air. A legendary tourist attraction. On in London right now is the Tube. Almost. It has not quite reached 24-hour service nor is it…
How I discovered Jazz in the Southbank
Did you know that Friday Lunchtime in the Central bar at Royal Festival Hall is perfect way to kick start the weekend? Team up with a friend, get some lunch at the Southbank Food market and simply watch Jazz bands play soothing music for free, courtesy of MasterCard. I was…
The Wedding Shooter
For most people their wedding day is one of the happiest day of their lives. For me it’s Tuesday. While I film the father of the bride allow a few manly tears to leak from his eyes as he sees his little girl in her bridal dress for the first…
2 Grams
I couldn’t believe it, the shame. I was just sat in the toilet minding me own business having a tinkle when they started knocking on the door telling me to get out. I say, “I’m having a piss I can’t”. They say, “We know what you’re doing in there, open…