Frozen: Movie Review
What’s not to love about the new animated motion picture from Walt Disney Studios? Like seriously?! Frozen is the newest addition to the Disney empire and is set to make its mark with both adults and children alike if last November’s premier was anything to go by. Out in UK…
How to fake enthusiasm for the job you hate
*** This Article is not advice and is just for laughs *** Don’t appear over enthusiastic to be at work. I’ve never had this problem. I like to give off an air of indifference and contempt for my job and company. This makes my vaguely successful results all the more…
Meet the Team: Hi Peter
Name: Peter Churchill Blog, website, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc: bluejeansandbeyond.wordpress.com/bluejeansandbeyond.tumblr.com, @PeterChurchill7 Tell us about yourself and what makes you tick: I’ve only recently moved to London for work, but have lived nearby for most of my life. I love the different perspective living here gives me and the way it…
Meet the Team: Hello Aspen
Name: I’m Abi/Aspen Glencross, nice ta meetcha 🙂 Blog, website, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc: rollercoastermonkey.wordpress.com (London adventures. Welcome to funky town….) An off the beaten track guide to London 🙂 @GollumCrackCorn https://www.facebook.com/abi.glencross?ref=tn_tnmn Tell us about yourself and what makes you tick: Okay I’ll try and condense it. I am a…